Homeopathy is based on the law of similars; let like cure like.

Homeopathy in a Nutshell

Homeopathy works by matching your symptom picture with a remedy that can create those same symptoms in a healthy person, thus the name of your diagnosis (or your lack of one) is not as important as how your symptoms manifest in you.

Each person has his or her own unique way of expressing dis-ease, and after Kate has a chance to hear about your symptoms in detail, she will select the most appropriate remedy to stimulate a healing response, the end result being the return of ease.

Most people are familiar with allopathy, or anti-meds such as anti-depressants, anti-inflammatories, anti-hypertensives, antihistamines, antibiotics. These drugs suppress symptoms, at least in the short term. They do not get at the root of the problem, however, and can actually make matters worse in the long term.

Here's a side-by-side comparison of homeopathy and conventional (allopathic) medicine.

In addition to the law of similars, homeopaths follow the law of the minimum dose, meaning we want the smallest amount possible to initiate your own immune reaction, demonstrating once again that the only true healing is self-healing.